The further I’ve grown in my relationship with God, the more I understand where God leads and guides me towards. God’s agenda is now my agenda. The mission behind True LegendZ is to make Jesus’ name known and to help people grow further in faith and discover their God-given purpose. Wearing this apparel means more than just fashion. It is a testament that you surrender and aim to become more like Christ. God has been in the process of creating True LegendZ for a long time and is using it to bring His children to Him and become True LegendZ for Him. True LegendZ is a part of God’s plan and all glory goes to Him. The time is now to seek God in our lives and share the good news! Let True LegendZ plant the seed in your life to bring others to our Heavenly Father, to fulfill His purpose and experience everlasting joy! God loves and misses each and every one of you.